As a Professional Adviser, you have the opportunity to inspire your clients to become involved in strategic giving.
By including philanthropy in your clients overall financial and estate planning strategy you develop a deeper, richer client relationship.
When you work with the Fremantle Foundation, you gain full access to the philanthropic expertise your clients are looking for. You will always retain complete control of your client relationships, while we act as a partner and resource to help fulfill your clients charitable goals.
The Fremantle Foundation can:
Help you develop a deeper, richer client relationship.
Offer unique networking opportunities for your clients.
Assist as a referral service to your clients who wish to get involved in structured giving.
Provide philanthropic support by researching a particular philanthropic program or cause.
By incorporating philanthropy, in particular the community foundation model into your client’s wealth plan, you stay competitive if not “ahead” of your competition.
For Lawyers and Advisers assisting their clients with Estate Planning and Wills, a Bequest to the Fremantle Foundation can be considered.
A Bequest to the Fremantle Foundation is:
Able to support a range of charities or causes
Managed in perpetuity by the Fremantle Foundation
Able to be set up as a Named Fund and named in honour of a family or individual
Named Funds - a simple way to organise your clients giving
Tax deductible donations are made to a Named Fund held with the Fremantle Foundation, then grants are distributed to projects that match the donors interests with the vital needs of the community.
When you start a Named Fund it’s like having your own foundation, but without all of the hassles. You can:
Set up a fund in 24 hours
Start with a tax deductible donation
Have immediate and ongoing impact on the vital needs of the community
Have administration, financial management and compliance managed for you – allowing you to focus on granting to the biggest difference
Create a lasting legacy for your family, the community and the causes you care about
Honour the memory of a family member or loved one
Want to learn more?
The Fremantle Foundation offers in-house briefings throughout the year to assist professional advisers on topics relating to charitable giving and your clients’ philanthropy.
We offer engaging discussions and customised presentations to provide important insight on strategies to work with high net worth individuals and their families on how to maximize their charitable giving.
“Professional advisers can make their clients aware of the possibility of philanthropic donations. I recommend the Fremantle Foundation to my clients as an ideal option when considering their estate planning requirements because integrity, flexibility and permanence are what the Fremantle Foundation has to offer.
Further to this, the Fremantle Foundation is well structured with low administration costs so that the relevant cause will receive maximum benefit from the client’s bequest.”