Operating since 2005, the Foundation aims to repair young lives by helping refugee and migrant children who are experiencing post-traumatic stress, dislocation and trauma associated with settling into a vastly different culture.
Beaconsfield Primary School and Beaconsfield Intensive Language Centre form the hub for Katina Woodruff’s life changing work. Katina, in classroom observations in in consultation with teachers, identifies children showing signs of acute suffering and distress and Katina determines the cause of trauma through exploratory anthropological activity sessions within the school and family home.
Katina then implements tailored programs, free of charge, for each child based on their cultural needs and develops action plans which help other practitioners address the needs of the child.
In 2022, the Foundation helped 85 vulnerable refugee and migrant children in the Fremantle area, including 47 girls and 38 boys from diverse countries, including Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Guinea, Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sweden and Germany.